Category Archives: Application Servers

Use #ELK stack to monitor #JBOSS application server

By | December 13, 2019

The ELK (ElasticSearch+LogStash +Kibana ) stack is maybe the best method to monitor your environment in a simple visually applying way. My task was to monitor the parameters of a Jboss/Wildfly application server where my enterprise application is hosted. There are several guides that describe how to deploy the basic stack, I am not going… Read More »

#RedHat #JBoss and #Artemis dead-letter queue issue

By | July 14, 2019

After migrating from ActiveMq to the embeded JBoss EAP Artemis messaging server ( see link ) I was getting the following error related to the dead message queue (the default queue where messages that failed to be processed end up). 10:21:04,620 WARN [org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk] (ServerService Thread Pool — 7) WFLYIIOP0111: SSL has not been configured but… Read More »

Migrate from #Wildfly 10 + external #ActiveMQ to #Wildfly 13 + embedded #Artemis

By | March 27, 2019

As I mentioned in a previous post I am a long time user of WildFly 10 and now in the process of upgrading to WildFly 13. Yes, not the latest version because I have some legacy source code constraints that forces me to not consider yet WildFly 14 and up. WildFly 13 includes an Artemis… Read More »

Allow the use of a transacted session in a #Servlet with #JMS broker #Artemis

By | March 21, 2019

The open-source application server WildFly from which the RedHat owned JBoss application server is derived is one of the most used Java application server lately. This is caused by the strong market consolidation that is happening that caused the Java application server environment to become very restricted. Basically the only open-source enterprise grade Java application… Read More »

#EasyRSA Certificate based authentication of #SoapUI client to a secure WebService running on #JBoss or #WildFly application server

By | May 12, 2019

The following is a very quick guide on how to set up a EasyRSA certificate based authentication of SoapUI API client to connect to a WebService based API that runs on JBoss or WildFly. Generate a local CA with EasyRSA Download and install easy-rsa – Go to the installation folder and change the following… Read More »

#Java #Weblogic : The server is in an incompatible state

By | November 19, 2018

WebLogic application server has its share of mind boggling error messages the same as its competition like WebSphere or JBoss. For some weird reason my servers (WebLogic version of a JVM instance) all dies and entered the weird state of “INCOMPATIBLE STATE”. Of course the author of that state label forgot to mention “incompatible with… Read More »

Elevate guest/standard #Windows 10 user to administrator from safe mode

By | April 22, 2018

There is a known issue that when you upgrade from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro directly you may end up with your only user changed from administrator to guest. This is what happened to me on one of the family laptops. Of course you end up with a stupid useless machine on which… Read More »

XA datasources with #WebSphere and #Oracle

By | December 5, 2017

When using XA data sources with Websphere and Oracle we must grant to the Oracle user rights to perform XA recovery. STEP 1: Create an XA datasource AdminTask.createJDBCProvider(‘[-scope Node=’+ node +’,Server=’+serverName +’ -databaseType Oracle -providerType “Oracle JDBC Driver” -implementationType “XA data source” -name “‘+jdbcXAProviderName +'” -description “Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)” -classpath [${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc7.jar ] -nativePath “”… Read More »

#Websphere SIB issues when running Websphere in a #Docker container

By | November 14, 2017

When running a Websphere Application server instance in a docker container, if the Service Integration Bus (SIB) is defined to store all the messages and data in an external database there is an issue caused by the way the bus is created. When the SIB is initialized the given name depends on the hostname of… Read More »

#nginx proxy_pass an URI to another server with a different URI

By | August 22, 2017

Nginx can be used very nicely to aggregate resources after the same fronted by using it as a proxy. I want my set-up to be like: URL1: -> nas1 hosted wordpress URL2: -> nas2 hosted store with URL https://nas/store URL3: -> nas4 hosted wiki with URL https://nas4/wiki How can we do this… Read More »